"Excuse me miss, you're going to have to open up that bundle."
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am almost ready for another take-off. I whipped up this suspicious looking package today in a spare half-hour, in order to protect, serve and Be Prepared.
For, I must boast - I'm making off with a few rolls of SINGLE-8 FILM, and a very compact, chic li'l movie camera:

In other updates, I wasn't sure what we were going to do in Kaohsiung. People often mention like you haven't been to Taiwan AT ALL if you haven't been to Kaohsiung, yet I can't recall what's so happening there. Sure, Love River. Delicate, unique cuisine, as in every part of the island. Flea market treasures of Asia! But what makes the city worthy of entry into that anxiety-producing volume, 1000 Places You Must See Before You Croke?
A: I found out in a one-minute Wikipedia search on Kaohsiung. It's the 2009 World Games! All the miscellaneous sports that haven't made it into the Olympics YET, as if you didn't know. Although I reckon that once they expand Lifesaving to include other events, there will be no stopping the sport.
If you have any strong feelings about this, or other unknown sports, or what I must be doing for a weekend in Kaohsiung, please contact me via the comment link.
There should be Ultimate Frisbee at the World Games. What's up with all the traipsing anyway?
sorry to leave you, my fans, hanging. suffice to say that i've been caught in the midst of 10 course dinners of strange meats, gleaming emerald greens and alien sea-life, suspicion, revenge. you know, the everyday life in taiwan.
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